Bookish Weaknesses

I have a weakness for book sales.
Okay, so maybe sales in general.

That, and a few other things: books with pretty covers, particularly, hardback books with pretty covers, cook books potentially might be my kryptonite, stationery and art supplies in general, cute book shops and just a few other things. So it wasn't surprising when I found a new bookshop during my lunch break with a sale on, that obviously I had to go inside. It's a rule, sort of.

~Somehow~ I left the shop with four hardbacks, with three of them being cookbooks. Oops? The cookbook featured above is the one I bought for myself and promptly tabbed the life out of it. I might have ran out of post-its before I reached the end of the cookbook.... It seemed liked a good use of my stationery supplies.

You could say that stationery is another one of my weakness, I'd say I'm a passionate and supportive consumer of stationery goods/industry. Potato, potahto. I feel that someone, somewhere should do a study to see the correlation between people who spend way too much money on books and people who spend way too much on stationery. Though, I think instead of a venn diagram, it'd just be one circle.

The other two cookbooks I bought were part of a birthday present I'm giving to my sister, I couldn't choose between them - they were too pretty to leave behind. The last hardback was for my Dad because Wilbur Smith is an #instabuy for him.

What are your bookish weaknesses? Let me know!

Happy reading!


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